A journey of insights

3 minute read

If you're considering joining an outstanding business school, I'd like to share my personal experience with the Enterprise Leadership Programme at Saïd Business School and why I believe it might be the perfect fit for you too.

Why I chose the programme

Choosing this programme all boiled down to a few key factors that I wanted to explore. Firstly, I realised the need for a fresh perspective on organisational development. Hearing insights from Oxford professors was like opening a new door of possibilities. Secondly, I sought to experience postgraduate education from one of the world's top-notch business schools, knowing that different institutions bring their unique approach to teaching. Moreover, being new to online education, I was curious if I could maintain focus and engagement as I would in offline programmes.

Understanding the techniques and approaches of the programme fascinated me, especially considering my background as a project manager in an EdTech startup. Lastly, I looked forward to engaging with fellow attendees from diverse countries, positions and industries to challenge and expand my viewpoints.

What sets this programme apart from other options available out there? Well, as I researched online programmes on leadership in enterprises, I discovered that this one stood out due to its unique offerings. Being an online programme from a top university, it was exactly what I was searching for - a perfect blend of convenience and quality. Now, what were my expectations from this programme? To be honest, I didn't have specific and measurable targets. Instead, I aimed to gain a broader perspective, hear diverse viewpoints and extract meaningful insights from the experience.

Did the programme live up to my expectations?

The programme absolutely lived up to my expectations! In fact, it exceeded them in various ways. The online sessions with Jonathan Trevor were immensely valuable and the group discussions with fellow students proved to be eye-opening experiences. Of course, like any programme, there were challenges along the way. The most demanding part was the final ongoing project, which required me to combine all the knowledge and approaches from various modules into one comprehensive document. However, this challenge turned out to be a rewarding exercise in synthesizing everything I had learned.

Since completing the programme

Interestingly, right after the programme, we initiated a significant process within our company to review alignment between departments, purpose, strategy, organisational capability, architecture and management systems. The insights I gained from the programme proved invaluable in understanding and tackling these challenges. While it's hard to attribute the impact solely to the programme, I am confident that the decisions I made with the newfound perspectives from the course have contributed to making my department more successful.

Doing things differently

The most significant shift in my approach is moving away from merely focusing on short-term targets and revenue metrics. Instead, I now consistently prioritise our enterprise's purpose, recognising that it is the driving force behind achieving long-term success.

Let's talk about the post-programme community, the Oxford Business Alumni Network and the elumni community. Such communities play a pivotal role in networking and sharing ideas. They connect professionals from various markets, industries, countries and job positions, offering a plethora of diverse approaches and solutions. While not every idea might be suitable for your specific situation, the cross-pollination of thoughts can spark new and innovative perspectives you might not have encountered otherwise.

In conclusion, if you're seeking an exceptional business education that pushes you to think critically, explore new horizons and gain profound insights, I wholeheartedly recommend the Oxford Enterprise Leadership Programme. Be prepared to engage actively, embrace diverse viewpoints and embark on a journey that will undoubtedly leave you enriched both professionally and personally. Take the leap and open the door to new opportunities at Oxford's world-class business school!

Oxford Enterprise Leadership Programme