Writing a book during my EMBA at Oxford Saïd

4 minute read

As I embarked on my Executive MBA (EMBA) journey at Saïd Business School, little did I know that it would also become the incubator for my dream of writing a book 'Cashing Out: The Business Owner’s Guide to Selling to Private Equity'. Nestled within the historic walls of Oxford, I found myself at the crossroads of academic rigor and personal ambition. After a successful exit from my company for a life-changing sum, I was left with a void in my life. I needed something to do. So what does a 40 something man with no need to work a day in his life do? Go back to school, naturally. I felt the program would be a wonderful place to meet like-minded founders of companies and provide opportunities to help share my strategies on how to have their own 9-figure exit. This is the tale of how my EMBA experience and the quest to pen my book became inextricably linked, each enriching the other in ways I had never imagined.

The spark

My book idea, a blend of professional insights and personal growth stories, had been simmering in my mind long before I joined the program. However, it was the immersive environment at Oxford Saïd that provided the catalyst for my writing journey.

English is not my native tongue, so the essays for each course were quite frustrating at times, but the difficulties I experienced in writing them forged my ability to tackle the daunting task of becoming an author in the most ubiquitous language in the world.  

To make it simple, without the EMBA, there is no book; surrounded by a melting pot of cultures, experiences, and ambitions, I found the richness of content and diversity I needed to fuel my narrative. 

And mostly, I found the people who helped me, pushed me, encouraged me to stop talking about it and actually do it.

Juggling acts

Writing a book while pursuing an EMBA is akin to walking a tightrope while juggling fire. It demands a meticulous balance between academic commitments, professional responsibilities, and personal passions. Early on, I realized the importance of discipline and time management, carving out dedicated slots for writing amidst a whirlwind of lectures, group projects, and networking events.

The Oxford Saïd influence

What truly set my writing journey apart was how the program's content enriched my narrative. The courses are not just academic pursuits; they are voyages into the depths of business strategy, leadership, ethics, and innovation. Each lecture, case study, and discussion added layers to my understanding, enabling me to weave academic concepts with real-life experiences in my book.

The fusion of experiences

Perhaps the most profound impact on my book was the fusion of the EMBA learning with my personal and professional experiences. Oxford Saïd taught me to view challenges through multiple lenses, analyze situations critically, and appreciate the nuances of leadership in a global context. These lessons became the framework upon which I built my narrative, ensuring that each chapter resonated with authenticity and insight. The program's emphasis on reflection allowed me to delve deeper into my journey, translating complex ideas into relatable stories and practical wisdom.

Overcoming doubts

The path was not without its doubts and challenges. There were moments when the enormity of the task at hand seemed overwhelming, when writer's block loomed large, and deadlines appeared insurmountable. However, it was the support and encouragement of my peers, mentors, and professors at Oxford Saïd that kept me anchored. They reminded me of the value of perseverance, the importance of sharing one’s voice, and the transformative power of education.

Releases on 16 April 2024

The final chapter

As I penned the final words of my book, I realized that this journey was more than just about writing; it was a testament to personal growth, intellectual expansion, and the enduring spirit of the Oxford community. My experience at Oxford Saïd was not just a chapter in my academic career but a cornerstone of my personal development and authorial debut.

Reflecting on this journey, I am filled with gratitude for the myriad ways in which the program enriched both my book and my life. It taught me that writing is not just an act of creation but a process of discovery, introspection, and sharing knowledge with the world. To those embarking on their own EMBA journey at Oxford Saïd, I say this: embrace the challenge, for it is in the crucible of this experience that your finest stories will be forged.

Oxford Executive MBA