I was looking at different programs and thinking about my own career path up until then there were so few people and senior positions who looked like me which is really confusing because I'm from New York which is an incredibly diverse place where you would think there'd be a lot of women and a lot of people of color and women of color leading businesses and there just aren't if you look at venture capital in the US and and the u.s. is about 70% of global venture capital it's over ninety five percent of it goes to white male founders which would be fine if white males were ninety five percent of the population but it's a bit strange when they're thirty percent of population every year the New York Times compares the number of female CEOs in the fortune 500 compared to the men named John about half the world's population is female but only 3 percent of the world's population are called John Women empowerment is like an existential issue it's a basic human need it is about being able to take decisions for yourself the UN's fifth sustainable development goal is a call to action for all of us men and women to work together to achieve gender equality